Thursday, January 17, 2013

My perfect baba..

So when we got you we imagined how perfect you would be & what perfect parents we'd be.. as I'm sure all prospective parents do.  But boy were we naive!

We had our first "Head Master Office" Discussion this week.  Turns out when you're frustrated at school YOU BITE! 

First thing I thought of when she told us was how your dad & I mocked the lady @ the school we're hoping to send you to.  We went to enroll you because there's a waiting list as long as my arm.  One of the things she told us, with a very stern face is, "Biters are expelled!".  We shook our heads in utter dismay, ofcourse biters should be expelled... But when we got home we had a good giggle about the whole scenario! 

Moral of the story: Don't mock people..

So what is this perfect mommy of yours going to do?  Nothing!  Apart from giving you as much of a speech as you can give a 19-month old..  & Loving you to bits, teeth & all!

Turns out I'm not so perfect after all & neither are you.  Seem's I've got some reading to do on how to handle situations like these & you've got to learn some communication skills.   

Fact is though, as I was watching you go off with the nanny today to go play in the park I realised once again just how perfect you are for me!  You are happy!  And what more can a mom ask for? 

You've been happy & content since the day you were placed in your daddy's arms.  You smile & giggle & laugh all the time & you love how quirky we can be together.  I'm quite a serious bore on my own but with you & your dad I come alive!  Your dad's a bit of a nerd & to top it all he looks a bit chinese!  But to us he's the hero that kills the bugs & fixes things (& secretly dances like a crazy person when nobody's watching). 

You see, together we make the perfect family in my opinion.  Caramelle - Daddy our Portuguese but chinese looking hero, White Chocolate - Mommy! & Chocolate - you our little dark baba girl! We cover the whole spectrum of sweet chocolates, one of my favourite things!  We're my kinda perfect!

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