Friday, November 15, 2013

Padda wou gaan opsit...

Baby girl... It seems my hopes of you being a prima ballerina dancer might have to make room for something else..

You had your first school concert a couple of weeks ago.  It was a state secret what the theme would be & we had no idea what character you were going to play.  We were so excited & bought tickets weeks in advance, invited friends & family to come watch the spectacular show with us, the works!

On arrival we got popcorn & drinks & we couldn't wait to see your debut!  But then we had to wait.. first were the babies then the older babies.. & FINALLY! It was your class' turn!  Onto the stage you came, not a cry or a tear in sight, you took your place together with all your little froggy & duck friends & then you noticed the crowd.  That was the end of it.. You sat & stared & stared & stared.. Not a word came out of your mouth & no dancing or movement in that little princess body of yours..

It seems the moment was too big for you & stagefright got the better of my little 2.5 year old princess froggy.  But let me tell you this:  You were the most beautiful froggy I had ever seen & mommy had tears running all the way down my face!  I dont care whether you didnt feel like dancing or singing in front of 100's of people & truth be told I would have been proud even if you did have a properse meltdown & cried your heart out!  I dont care if you dont like being on stage, all I want is for you to be happy & mommy will do just about anything for you to be happy.  So maybe you'll take ballerina lessons, but if you dont want to dance in front of people.. You'll have to dance for me:-)!

I am proud of you baby girl, always have been, always will be!  Your the most beautiful baby in the world to me.. Even in a froggy costume with your face painted green ;-) ! Mommy loves you!